Why you should have a brand film

According to statistics, if people enjoy your video ad it increases the likelihood of them buying from you by a staggering 97% AND it increases your brand recognition by 139% which means having a Brand Film can not only help people notice you, but also remember you and want to hire you specifically because of the connection they had with your Brand video.

What should your brand film "say"?

It should be well made, it should communicate your values, it should be void of third party IP claims, yes, true! But it should at least cover these basics:

Who are you

What do you do

Why does it matter

If your brand film does not answer these questions, immediately and to the point. Do not make one! Taking up people’s time to tell them nothing is selfish and could harm your brand. Planning is key.

Where can you use your brand film?

  • On your website

    You have 5 seconds to entice someone on your website. Using a brand film will answer most questions a prospective client may have.

  • On YouTube

    Having a single video source on YouTube provides a free hosted platform where your brand film can live and offers great analytics of how (and where) your audience engages with your content.

  • In Whatsapp

    Easily share your brand film (or link) in Whatsapp with potential clients.

  • On Facebook

    Share it on Facebook as a post, story or as an advert. Tag and reference it for years.

  • On LinkedIn

    Share it on LinkedIn as a post or as an advert. Tag and reference it for years.

  • On Instagram

    Share it on Instagram as a post, story, reel or as an advert. Tag and reference it for years.

  • In your email signature

    Set it and forget it. Every email you send will carry the option to your killer brand film. Remind people that it is in your email.

  • As a QR Code

    Print your QR code on anything, and use your real estate to funnel people to your brand film.

  • In proposals and documents

    Embed it in to a pdf or use the link. Any communication will do; Company profiles, Powerpoint decks, Invoices, your letterhead... This list can be a long one!

An Example of a brand film?

When we recently visited Hylton Rutherford’s to shoot a music video, we fell in love with his iron forgery! Such a tactile and immersive way of creating something. We decided that we had to cut something together for him.

Want your own brand film?

We ❤️ making them!

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